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About BridgeSport™

BridgeSport™ is a company focused on developing the finest Automotive Accessory Products from the concept phase to the consumer, exclusively for the North American market. Our unique sense of creativity, innovation and teamwork allows us to principally specialize on Functional Designs that combines style and purpose. With over 25 years experience in Automotive Product Development for both retail and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) market, our team has worked with customers such as Ford, GM, Dodge and Toyota companies. Our Spoiler is designed, engineered, 3D modeled, prototyped, vehicle tested and shipped to you from right here, in North America.

We have developed the BridgeSport™ spoiler based on our understanding of manufacturing processes and materials. Both of which we have focused our attention on proven process & material already established and used on the market for exterior components, focusing on the best reliable product possible.

As most new innovations come primarily from finding a solution to a problem, the BridgeSport™ spoiler isn’t any different. Understanding the difficulties that most pickup truck owners face when it comes to carrying long objects safely, we believed that there should be a more appealing and cost saving solution than the current commercial options on the market.

BridgeSport™ products are the first and only Sport Utility Spoilers on the market. Our Patented spoiler is an aesthetically designed accessory with its focus on purpose, function and durability. Since we are also concerned about the environment, we have insured that all of our products are manufactured with some recycled material content.

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(Patented product)

Thrilled about your new BridgeSport? Want to show off your truck’s new sleek accessory?

Snap us a photo (or a few) with your comments and we’ll showcase it on our website! Recycle Our products are made with some recycled materials.

Snow Shield

The easy to install, cost efficient BridgeSport™ utility spoiler combines style and purpose for the transportation of a variety of long items such as:

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For Pleasure
